This is the time when I’m typically thinking about the end of the year, and all that brings with it, but honestly, this year feels a little different. To loosely quote one of my favourite people, the pandemic has had a PROFOUND impact. That impact has been personal, professional, organizational, societal, and global, and in a few weeks we’ll be saying goodbye to the third year that has been marked by COVID-19. That seems UNBELIEVABLE.
While I could easily say “Goodbye 2022”, that wouldn’t erase or lighten the need to lean into every one of the additional critical issues and calls for social change these last 3 years have brought with them. Talk about profound.
BGC is doing our best to respond and lean into the uncertainty that continues around us. Amid all of this I’m noticing (and appreciating) an increased respect for how kindness, empathy and understanding can be key tools to guide us through and into a better future. Thankfully, those are our SUPERPOWERS at BGC and they’re helping us chart our path. And we have another thing on our side: we’re in the amazing (and well earned) position of having clear measures of the impact of our work. So while the world swirls around us, we are buoyed and inspired by knowing that BGC’s amazing kids and youth are experiencing unbelievable impact.
I hope knowing that YOU have contributed to creating this unbelievable impact inspires you to continue to support BGC’s mission, vision and purpose this holiday season. We’ll need you, and all our friends, more than ever to stay with us as we leverage our impact and past successes to contribute to the futures of thousands of kids, youth, and families.
Unbelievably grateful,
President & CEO