This time of year, there’s something special about feeling surrounded by people who care about you. That’s the sense of belonging we want EVERY kid and youth to feel all year long, no ifs, ands, or buts.
So, I think you’re ready for BGC Truth #2: We don’t ask or require families to prove that they need financial help.
Families pay what they can when they choose BGC Clubs or Camp. To be clear, we DO ask them to contribute, and the vast majority do! This is our approach because we know that requiring people to prove their hardships, struggles, and challenges causes harm, shame, and trauma. We also know that families WANT to pay what they can because they value the benefits their kids and youth receive.
Meanwhile, we know there are people who will only make a donation to BGC if we provide proof that our families can’t pay (or are “in need”), and that just makes us work harder than ever, including by respectfully telling the truth (like now), so we can attract the support of every person we know who cares about kids and youth and their promising futures.